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Welfare Services

Socio-welfare and socio-educational activities aimed at minors, the elderly and people with disabilities.

Almost three thousand people received social assistance services from OSA operators during 2019. In particular, the Cooperative has guaranteed homecare and accompaniment for people with AIDS, assistance and social integration for the elderly and people with disabilities, even very serious, Premium Home Care services, School Integration for children with disabilities as well as Protection, Care and Support Administration services. Groups of Apartments for minors, Day Centres for disabled people and minors, laboratories in the Elderly Social Centres, Reception Centres for minors and an Anti-Violence Desk are also active.

OSA managed a Nursing Home for the reception of elderly people in need ‘Casa Vittoria’ until November 2019 and the supplementary assistance service in agreement with Laziodisu for students with severe forms of disability at the La Sapienza and Luiss Universities in Rome.


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